Christian Living

Spiritual Life

Spiritual Maturity

As we grow through tests and trials in our relationship with God, we learn to trust Him through ALL things. This is the essence of spiritual maturity.

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Bible Teachings on Spiritual Maturity

Do you judge others? Is it easy for you to find fault with those around you? Then beware: your spiritual life is in danger.

Jesus' last instructions to His disciples before He ascended to His Father were in relation to witnessing.

God's favor and protection are blessings we receive and in turn we let those blessings flow through us to others and also to the Lord.

It is vital we keep ourselves spiritually intelligent by studying, learning and knowing the Word of God. Here are some verses to help support the...

Being "nonjudgmental" is considered a virtue these days. Odd, isn't it, since people hire golf pros and personal fitness trainers to critique and...

All Bible Teachings on Spiritual Maturity

Questions about Spiritual Maturity

The Christian's decision to avoid or participate in Halloween should be based on accurate information.

Christian maturity is being a responsible son or daughter of God.

How a follower of Christ can ignore the existence of Satan is beyond me. Yet, that’s what many have done, according to research findings published by...

Godly people are those who are content wherever God has placed them and are serving Him to the best of their abilities, irrespective of material...

If you've ever felt like a spiritual loser because you’ve consistently failed to maintain or master the traditional spiritual disciples, you're not...

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Devotionals about Spiritual Maturity

We expect to hear from God when we're in church, participating in community prayer or worship services. But what are our expectations of our morning...

What would you do if you looked up and Jesus was standing there in the flesh? Jesus has forgiven us of so much. Have we forgotten? Let us all take a...

Jesus caused a lot of shaking in the culture and traditions of the early church, especially among the religious elite. Traditions were so deeply...

It's so hard to give up control, isn't it? Surrender doesn't come as naturally in a society of tight-fisted people, and most of the time working hard...

There is no doubt that current times are difficult. Hatred, envy, greed—conflict is all around us. I remember when life growing up was simpler, less...

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Videos about Spiritual Maturity

Soon after Kentucky Linebacker Josh Paschal accepted Jesus Christ as his Savior, tests revealed a spot on his foot was malignant melanoma cancer. His...

13-year-old entrepreneur Sofia Kunst always tithes from her successful tapestry business but what she receives is even better...

Although COVID-19 cancelled his school’s prom, Howie makes it even more special by taking his Grandmother to her first prom and dancing the night...

A small town drug dealer heads to jail in shame. Find out how he beats the rap. Plus, pastor Robert Jeffress takes a courageous stand against a...

Best-selling author David Limbaugh shares his faith and how looking at the Gospels will help you discover the real Jesus.

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Articles on Spiritual Maturity

As we work together in church or other groups, we get to use our individual gifts, talents, and treasures. We all serve different purposes in God’s...

When your thoughts are so loud they forget to use their inside voice, choose to meditate on God

I Will Meditate: A Study of the “I Wills” of the Psalms

Biblical meditation helps you rest at night and delight in the day.

Empathy deepens connections, with boundaries for healthy relationships.

Is our spiritual growth mainly God’s work or ours?

Dr. Robert Jeffress on what we can learn about contentment from Paul.

All Articles on Spiritual Maturity
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